Category: Media
New Album Released!
Sarah Gromko’s new album, Jump in Mud, is available to the general public.
Winter Holiday Song
“Three Strikes and You’re Elf” (©2012 GromKo. Music/Skullsound; ℗2015 GromKo. Music)
Help Fund My Album!
It’s weird and humbling to not be in control over the fate of an album. I hope you can help. It’s the fully composed and orchestrated sequel album of Convert Augustine, I’m calling Consummate Augustine. It’s been done for a while. I just really need to get it recorded.
New Album, Video Series, and Then Some
Sarah Gromko’s IndieGogo Campaign has lots of stuff to buy to fund a new album (including presales of the actual album). Album Campaign VideoI will finally record this long-awaited sequel only if this campaign reaches its goal in May 2015. So check it out, and tell your generous friends ASAP!
2014 (P)recap
Sarah Gromko’s December 2014 performances includes sacred concerts with NOVA Chorale and New Orleans’s Jesuit Church, a Christmas composition featured at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church’s Midnight Mass, and the Sarah Gromko Trio every Friday at Pearl Wine Co.
Fridays and Video
This year is off to a nice bang! I’m now officially at Pearl Wine Co. every Friday, where I’ll continue feature the talents of a nice array musicians. In the meantime, check out the video of one of the songs I performed at Music at the Mint on February 7th.
It’s New Orleans Podcast
I had the pleasure of participating in the It’s New Orleans “Happy Hour” podcast with Grant Morris, this past Thursday. I sing a couple of original tunes, but mostly I laugh. A lot.